The way to clarify the concept of society role in local government affairs by implementing collaborative governance. Hartley, et al., had created the term ‘collaborative governance’ to highlight multi-stakeholder engagement across organizations as viable alternatives or additions to coordination with market competition and hierarchical solutions (Hartley, Sørensen, & Torfing, 2013). This research aims to analyze and describe Collaborative Governance in Increasing Tourism in the New Normal Era during Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia. The results show that in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2020 has revised the growth prospects of international tourists negative from 1% to 3%, while in Asia and Pacific will be the worst affected regions, with an expected drop in arrivals of between 9% and 12%. The tourist visits to Indonesia are slowly decreasing. Cumulatively from January to March in 2020, the number of tourists who came only reached 2.61 million people or dropped drastically by 30.62 percent; compared to the same period in the last year, 3.76 million people. When compared to February, the number of tourist arrivals decreased by 45.50 percent; While when compared to the same period last year the decline was recorded even more drastically, which is 64.11 percent. The decrease from the tourism sector is predicted to reach IDR. 60 trillion Rupiah. The Central Government through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and supported by the Government at the Provincial/Regency/City level through the Tourism Office and tourism business entrepreneurs in the region is trying to prepare destinations in accordance with the “new normal” conditions post-Covid-19 in accordance with the principles of hygiene and excellent sanitization, as well as creating tourism destinations that are encouraged to continue in improving and increasingly aggressive in applying the principles of sustainable tourism development (resilience, sustainable, and responsible).
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