Abdellatif Denine ,
Abdellatif Denine

Institute of Technology, MATE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science , Gödöllő , Hungary

Patrick Siegfried
Patrick Siegfried
Contact Patrick Siegfried

Institute of Technology, MATE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science , Gödöllő , Hungary

Received: 29.11.2022.

Accepted: 04.04.2022. >>

Published: 30.05.2022.

Volume 4, Issue 1 (2022)

pp. 32-38;


The objective of this study is to allow a better understanding of the role of industry 4.0 technologies, especially filament extrusion technology in the reduction of costs, environmental impact, energy consumption, and the possibility to expand the range of printable materials. The study focuses on the desktop Filament Extruders available in the market now, where these machines are assessed and future possible modifications for these apparatuses are presented. The research leading to the publication of this study consists of a review of the existing literature, in addition, information from different extruders manufacturers’ websites has been used.  The study has demonstrated that the extrusion of material at home is still not an exact science, and the process ends up costing the user large sums of money over time. However, there are still limitations to the use of this technology such as the lack of standardized extrusion settings, the necessity of pre-drying the pellets, and the complexity of the extruder cleaning process after each use.



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