Boris Latinovic ,
Boris Latinovic

Faculty of Economics, University „Union – Nikola Tesla“ , Belgrade , Serbia

Bojana Ostojić ,
Bojana Ostojić
Contact Bojana Ostojić

Faculty of project and innovation management “Professor Petar Jovanović”, University Educons , Belgrade , Serbia

Biljana Ilić ,
Biljana Ilić

Faculty of project and innovation management “Professor Petar Jovanović”, University Educons , Belgrade , Serbia

Milutin Pećić ,
Milutin Pećić

Faculty of project and innovation management “Professor Petar Jovanović”, University Educons , Belgrade , Serbia

Obrad Čabarkapa
Obrad Čabarkapa

Faculty of project and innovation management “Professor Petar Jovanović”, University Educons , Belgrade , Serbia

Received: 20.12.0024.

Accepted: 26.02.2024. >>

Published: 30.04.2024.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (2024)

pp. 24-33;


The study paper’s focus is on establishing the connection between marketing initiatives and the strategy used by numerous volunteers to plan sporting events. The manager of the volunteer sector is responsible for assembling a project team and overseeing the recruiting, selection, training, deployment, supervision, and coordination of volunteers while they work as volunteers at major sporting events. The greatest candidates for this position are coordinators for the volunteer sector who have experience as volunteers, as they can inspire others to perform selfless volunteer work. Research has shown that in order to effectively oversee 800 unpaid employees, someone must first build a direct relationship with them—something that can only be done in the event that there are a significant number of trained coordinators. Additionally, it is essential to heavily publicize the volunteer contest and emphasize the advantages that volunteers obtain by taking part in order to attract a big number of participants. In addition to the aforementioned, well-planned, organized, intricate, and gradual preparation that begins several months prior to the competition is required to prepare a big number of volunteers for high-quality and committed involvement at a sporting event. After receiving top-notch training, volunteers can serve in any area of the competition. Additionally, volunteers who have previously taken part in a well-run sporting event typically return to sports volunteering multiple times. Ultimately, the paper’s set hypothesis—which related to the contention that there is a positive connection between marketing initiatives, sports event organization, and the approach of volunteers.



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