Radio survives despite the opinion that it is an outdated medium that is rapidly losing its audience. It is forgotten that radio is still a medium that addresses the widest layer of the audience. The fact that the audience pays attention and time to the Internet leaves only additional space for the development of increasingly popular forms of web radio that appeal to the younger generations. The radio journalist has changed his status and is becoming multidimensional, ready to go to the field, record, edit and address the audience. Radio may have lost its original form but with its convergent abilities it has a new chance to become among the media of first choice because young people in their loneliness increasingly appreciate intimacy, someone’s imaginary presence and the warmth of a voice. We will especially analyze radio area in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is still awaiting the implementation of radio digitalization in order to keep pace with changes in the world and the environment. During that time, it is necessary to provide all the preconditions for overcoming technological limitations.
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