Every organization is made up of employees who can be its great strength but also a weakness, and the results, quality of work and achievement of organizational goals are largely determined by the behavior of the people who make it up. One of the key factors that influence the behavior of people in general, as well as the behavior in the work organization and attitude towards work are motives. Starting from the fact that human behavior is driven by different motives, that different people have different structure of motives and needs, the aim of this research is aimed at conducting the segmentation of employees in selected businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, engaged in different types of activities and of different structures of equity, according to socio-demographic factors – gender, age of respondents, years of service, marital status, type of education, the amount of monthly income of employees and the amount of family monthly income of employees. Also, the goal is to determine whether there are significant differences in the motives of individual groups (segments) of employees and how such indicators can contribute to the creation of an adequate motivational strategy within the work organization
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