Current issue

Volume 6, Issue 2, 2024
Online ISSN: 2637-2614
ISSN: 2637-2150
Volume 6 , Issue 2, (2024)
Published: 29.11.2024.
Open Access
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Profesional paper
Postojanje međunarodnih ugovora o pravima iz socijalnog osiguranja reguliše prenos iz jedne države u drugu državu ugovornicu, prava iz oblasti zdravstvenog osiguranja i zaštite. Iako postoje već niz godina, primjena tzv. konvencija o socijalnoj sigurnosti, i iz njih izvedenih prava, još nije dovoljno zaživela u radu zdravstvenih ustanova, već predstavljaju nepoznanicu koja se ignoriše ili se njihova primjena izbjegava. Pojedine zdravstvene ustanove imaju veća iskustva u ostvarivanju koristi iz pružanja usluga po ugovorima, ali su i kod njih prisutne rezerve i neiskorišteni potencijali. Davanje usluga inostranim korisnicima zdravstvenog osiguranja može se izjednačiti sa izvozom zdravstvenih usluga, a koji se ostvaruje u domaćoj ustanovi. Koristi od davanja usluga po osnovu međunarodnih sporazuma imaju i inostrani osiguranik, kojem je usluga neophodna, i zdravstvena ustanova koja dobija novog korisnika usluga, kao i zdravstveno osiguranje, koje posredno a nekad i jeftinije može da pokrije osigurani slučaj. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na potrebu aktivnog pristupa davanju usluga inostarnim osiguranicima kao i da se primjena ugovora obavi na što efikasniji način, a iz toga postignu koristi za ustanovu i za korisnika usluga.
Mladen Ivić, Željko Grublješić, Nikola Vojvodić, Dalibor Pavlović
Scientific paper
Polymeric materials are commonly used for many purposes in Tissue Engineering Applications. In particular, they are used as scaffolds which are specially prepared in cell growth studies as well as drug loading and release systems. In drug delivery and controlled release systems functional, scaffolds are widely used in order to send the drug to its target region. On the other hand, in cell growth systems patterned polymeric scaffolds are prepared and used to allow the cells to grow at a certain region with a particular form. For this purpose, different techniques are used for the adhesion of cells onto the material surfaces. In this study, patterned scaffolds from various polymers as Polymethylacrylate (PAM), Polystyrene (PS) and polyvinylchloride (PVC) were prepared using micro contact printing with the soft Lithographic Technique. The prepared materials were morphologically analyzed and cell growth was followed by using electron scanning microscope (SEM). Poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) molds were prepared in different shapes and used as stamp materials to transfer the designed patterns. The cell growth on these patterned surfaces was followed after seeding L929 mouse fibroblasts cells. Neutral Red Uptake Assay was applied to observe cell growth. The cell growth experiments showed that the cells were attached to the patterned surfaces and a significant increase in cell growth on the surfaces were observed.
Ayse Zehra AROGUZ
Short scientific paper
This article discusses the properties of concrete composite materials based on their contexture. Systematic and interactive approaches are required in order to achieve optimal material properties in the preparation of composite materials. In order to predict the physical and mechanical properties of each component of the composite material but also as a whole, its optimization, not only the mechanical but also the material properties under different working conditions, requires a combination of different methods and technologies. The advantage of each composite is its specific properties that cannot be achieved by any component of the composite material alone. The strength of the materials based on polymer concrete mixtures can be compared to the strength properties of metals. On the other hand, this material has elastic properties which give the material a high degree of flexibility. When compared to conventional materials, the value of polymer composites is assessed not only in terms of excellent mechanical properties but also in terms of their low weight and cost. The aim of the paper is to describe the advantages and disadvantages of composites based on polymer concrete mixtures.
Robert Poklemba, Jozef Zajac, Darina Duplakova, Peter Cizmar, David Goldyniak
Review scientific paper
The substantial advantage of 3D printing is the ability to fabricate complex shapes objects from liquid molecules or powder grains which joins or solidifies using computer design files (CAD) to produce a three-dimensional object with material being added together layer by layer. This process is considered as an industrial technology. The most-commonly used 3D printing procedure is a material extrusion technique called fused deposition modelling. The producers of 3D printers have already developed prototypes for education purposes. The importance of the incorporation this printing method in schools is the fact. The learning experience for digital media is becoming a priority in school education. The practical application of this technique can be incorporated into a wide variety of school subjects to simplify the sophisticated theoretical concepts. 3D printing is the example of cooperation within material science and mathematics but this platform is very often not supported by the high school curriculum, but latest trends propose different approaches and make education close to the science achievements and contemporary life. Building lessons plans and project could help students to learn more contemporary achievement in this field. It is new trend to support enthusiastic teachers who want to implement this method of additive manufacturing in education. This paper provides an overview of 3D printing methods and highlights the possibility of their implementation in educational techniques.
Natalija Budinski, Zsolt Lavicza, Nevena Vukić, Vesna Teofilović, Dejan Kojić, Tamara Erceg, Jaroslava Budinski-Simendić
Review scientific paper
The paper examines the current state and the possibilities of using contemporary approaches and tools in HelpDesk systems development with the aim to examine its disadvantages. Disadvantages are accurately analyzed and the paper gives clear guidance how to eliminate them. It has been noticed that current design and development approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. The application of the unified approach that combines the best individual characteristics of the existing approaches enables development of an automated HelpDesk system that is capable of expanding its own expertise. By combining unified aspect approach with the zero tolerance model driven approach, a new innovative approach to the development of a wide range of expert systems is obtained. This innovative approach is characterized by the highest possible degree of modularity. The application of the aforementioned approaches has also enabled expansion and improvement of the existing expert systems used for servicing numerous companies operating in various fields of business.
Vladimir Milićević, Slavoljub Milovanović
Scientific review
Politički i ekonomski aspekti svake zemlje međusobno su isprepleteni i uslovljeni. Od njihovog balansa, kratkorčnih ciljeva i dugoročnih vizija, zavisi i raspodjela nacionalnog suvereniteta u svim njegovim aspektima. Priključivanje procesu evropske integracije za zemlju kao što je Velika Britanija bio je izazov koji se našao u direktnoj suprotnosti sa njenim jako izraženim osjećajem za nacionalni identitet. Ekonomski napredak zajedničkog tržišta na Starom kontinentu uticao je da početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka nacionalni identitet bude djelimično žrtvovan u korist ekonomskog rasta i odluku da se Velika Britanija priključi Uniji. Međutim, osjećaj posebnosti i okrenutost, u političkom i kulturnom smislu, ka anglosaksonskoj tradiciji uzrokovali su stalno tinjajući evroskepticizam. Globalna recesija i potreba za jačanjem međusobne solidarnosti u evropskom prostoru intenziviraće preispitivanje ispravnosti odluke o članstvu u Uniji. Unutrašnji politički odnosi su sa svoje strane doprinijeli jačanju kampanje protiv članstva. Desio se referendum i Britanci su odlučili da, ipak, žele da idu svojim putem. Sa stanovišta ekonomske dobrobiti, ovo ne izgleda kao racionalna odluka. Evidentno je da je nakon više od četiri decenije ponovo nađen balans između političkih i ekonomskih ciljeva, ovaj put u korist nacionalnog identiteta, iako posmatrač sa strane u ovom momentu ne vidi političku opravdanost takve odluke. Izgleda da je ne vidi ni dio britanskog društva, pa je poces izlaska spor i nepredvidljiv, a javljaju se i naznake ponovnog preispitivanja odluke o napuštanju EU.
Opus Admin, Danijela Lakić
Review scientific paper
У осигурању од ауто-одговорности према трећим лицима, добро постављање тарифа је од виталног значаја за опстанак осигуравача. Осигурање од аутоодгово-рности у Републици Српској (РС) је законски обавезно, премијски систем је административно одређен, а премија овог вида осигурања заузима највеће учешће у портфељу осигуравајућих друштава. Основни проблеми у функционисању сектора осигурања од аутоодговорности су: нелојална конкуренција, нарушавање премијског система, велики удио транс-акција са повезаним лицима, недостатак транспарентности, неразвијени системи интерне контроле и ревизије и лоше управљање трошковима. Одређивање тарифа на либерализованим тржи-штима је посао који обавља свако осигуравајуће друштво самостално, уз примјену математичко-статистичких метода, како би се премије што адекватније одредиле и прилагодиле ризичности сваког осигураника. У процесу увођења система слободног одређивања цијена осигурања од ауто-одговорности, неопходно је обезбиједити бројне предуслове, а најважнији су: успостављање поуздане статистичке основе за формирање тарифа; унапређење надзора и усаглашавање са европским законодавством. Поједине земље су имале великих проблема након увођења либерализације тарифа, док су друге прошле са мањим потресима. Либерализација тарифа ствара одређене опасности, али и користи по тржиште осигурања од аутоодговорности РС. У тренутној политичкој, правној и еконо-мској ситуацији у којој се налази Република Српска, најприхватљивије рјешење је дјелимична и постепена либерализација тржишта осигурања од ауто-одговорности.
Бориша Стевановић
Scientific paper
Recently, controlled drug release systems have been garnering a lot of attention, due to more targeted and effective approach for delivering drugs to a specific tissue. Because of a specific structure and natural abundance, clays are being added to those systems in order to increase its efficiency and minimize costs. In this study, controlled release kinetics of the drug active substance 5-Fluorouracil was studied, using halloysite clay/polymer drug carriers. For this purpose, the halloysite clay was initially modified with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). Drug carriers were prepared by adding modified halloysite clays in the mixtures of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium alginate. Firstly, the swelling behaviour of the prepared substances was studied in buffer solutions at different pH. The drug release kinetics from the drug carriers, loaded with 5- Fluorouracil, was observed under a UV-spectrophotometer at 266 nm. Release profiles of the active substance were obtained by studying its release in buffer solutions at different pH. The results showed that the prepared drug carriers with modified halloysite clay were suitable for carrying and releasing of the 5-Fluorouracil.
Opus Admin, Ayse Zehra Aroguz, Vesna Teoflović, Olga Govedarica, Jelena Pavličević, Milovan Janković, Jaroslava Budinski-Simendić́
Review scientific paper
It is beyond any doubt that victims of human rights violations are rarely in position to initiate court proceedings fighting systematic discrimination themselves, which makes the role of human rights institutions indispensable. This specific mandate gives rise to numerous questions, such as: to what extent state institution takes the role of the legal representative, what capacities should it possess, on what basis it selects the cases meriting court intervention, is court intervention equally suitable in all areas of human rights protection and which analyzed model from Europe or wider has proved to be the most effective? Article offers analysis of court interventions in federal states with complex government structure and multiple institutions mandated with human rights protection, be it Ombudsmen Institution or Equality Body, court interventions in states with single human rights institution, comparative practice present in various European states, as well as interventions of human rights bodies before European tribunals. Author outlines the legal framework, human resources, and administrative structure that need to be provided, so that court interventions would have the desired effect and generate positive changes. In this process, it is of paramount importance to respect existing legal traditions and intrinsic practices, which proved their practical applicability over time, while any attempt to use legal transplants, with a goal of hastily unification of national legal orders and imposing transnational jurisdiction, can only produce confusion and countereffects.
Predrag Raosavljević