Even though pesticides constitute a very essential component of improved and modern agriculture, the abuse of pesticides has brought substantial poisoning worldwide, especially in developing countries. This review investigates the possible sources by which people are exposed to pesticides worldwide and the impact on their livelihood. The group who often are exposed to these chemicals includes, farm workers, children, farmers, and family members who have direct link to the pesticide application sites as well as persons who are exposed to these pesticides through the domestic use of waterbodies and consumption of foodstuff or crops sprayed with these pesticides. Central to this review is the critical discussions of the different scientific research findings on health effects and risks related to pesticides usage. Again, organophosphates and organochlorines pesticides are found in most of the pesticide contaminated sites and can remain in soil and waterbodies for a longtime. This work has also provided cases of incidence of carcinogenicity in humans, as a result of pesticides use. We concluded that, breeding or developing insect tolerant or resistant crops may curb the profuse use of pesticides in agriculture.
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