The problems of forest and land fires continue to overshadow in Riau Province and Pelalawan District including the contributors of fire spots of forest and land fires. The handling and control of forest and land fires run during this time tend to be incidental and focus on the aspect of fire suppression only. The extinguishing and controlling of forest and land fires fire has been undertaken by several agencies in the local government organization of Pelalawan District. While the relationship between the agencies is more information share and informational relationship and the deployment of resource assistance is limited to the capacity of each organization during the occurrence of forest and land fires only, not led to a collaborative multi-disciplinary working approach (inter-organizational collaborative network) in the area of local government. This research aims to Described the management situation of forest and land fires that took place in Pelalawan District, conducting analysis and academic studies on the practice of Network Inter-Organization by controlling forest and land fires (Karhutla) in Pelalawan District, and formulating model Inter-organizational network-based organizations that can be applied to regional government of Pelalawan District in every bureaucracy organizations. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach with reference to literature studies and interview reluct collection by (Agranoff i McGuire, 2003).
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