Vivi Mirna Rahayu ,
Vivi Mirna Rahayu
Contact Vivi Mirna Rahayu

Dept. of Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Widyatama , Bandung , Indonesia

R.A.E. Virgana Targa Sapanji
R.A.E. Virgana Targa Sapanji
Contact R.A.E. Virgana Targa Sapanji

Dept. of Information System, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Widyatama , Bandung , Indonesia

Received: 15.02.2020.

Accepted: 20.04.2020. >>

Published: 26.05.2020.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2020)

pp. 11-18;


Education must be obtained and guaranteed by the government with quality and equitable services in all regions in Indonesia. Geographic information systems become one of the solutions that can help the process of equitable education and help the government take appropriate actions. This study discusses how the development of a website-based geographic information system that can be used to map the distribution of educational data in the city of Bandung using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) methods for system modeling. The process of making maps in this study uses Quantum GIS (QGIS) software with database storage using PostgreSQL. The output target of this study is in the form of a geographic information system website mapping educational data distribution in the city of Bandung. This website is created as a graphic summary dashboard based on the spatial field of education so that the public and government can easily draw conclusions about the distribution of existing education such as knowing the balance of the number of schools, teachers and students in an area that can affect the quality of teaching and learning activities in schools and the quality of education in that area.



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