Marko M. Pavlović ,
Marko M. Pavlović
Contact Marko M. Pavlović

Academy of Technical Vocational Studies , Belgrade , Serbia

Biljana Tešić
Biljana Tešić

Singidunum University Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Received: 22.06.2023.

Accepted: 10.10.2023. >>

Published: 29.11.2023.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2023)

pp. 29-49;


This paper aims to highlight the importance of defining the dimensions of service quality and their impact on the satisfaction and loyalty of users of banking services in the banking sector of the Republic of Croatia. The study focuses on service quality parameters and customer satisfaction. The paper aims to examine discrepancies between expected and perceived attributes of banking services (Servqual model) on a sample of 130 respondents from the Republic of Croatia. Special objectives include examining the differences in the expression of scores on the dimensions of the expected and observed ABS scales in relation to the socio-demographic variables in the research (gender, age, professional education…etc). Based on the empirical study, it can be concluded that all service quality parameters play a vital role in customer satisfaction. The research results indicate that all five key dimensions of Servqual – tangibility, reliability, accountability, security, and empathy, are significantly and positively related to the overall Servqual perceived by users.



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