Filip Novaković
Filip Novaković
Contact Filip Novaković

Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka , Banja Luka , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Received: 23.02.2021.

Accepted: 05.05.2021. >>

Published: 28.05.2021.

Volume 3, Issue 1 (2021)

pp. 85-97;



The thematic conception of the work consists of legal issues of special forms of control of state administrative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the state level, the level of federal units and districts). The paper analyzes the structure of bodies that perform this type of control, starting with the ombudsman institutions (Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ombudsman for Children of Republic of Srpska), and with special reference to the institutions of auditors (of which there are four in Bosnia and Herzegovina). The author will present the organization of these institutions, the election of their members (ombudsmen and auditors), the way they act, and the possibilities they have, as well as the legal mechanisms they can use to protect both citizens and the public interest.



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