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Volume 6, Issue 2, 2024

Online ISSN: 2637-2614

ISSN: 2637-2150

Volume 6 , Issue 2, (2024)

Published: 29.11.2024.

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Original scientific paper


Job satisfaction is positive emotional state, which is result of evaluation of some work experience. It is a multidisciplinary phenomenon, which is influenced by multiple internal and external factors. In this paper, employee satisfaction or job satisfaction was observed as a dependent variable, while interpersonal relationships are defined as influencing factor, i.e. independent variable. Interpersonal relationships imply establishment of social relations and connections between individuals at work. Interpersonal relationships can be defined as the subjective experience of employee in interaction or connection with another person (colleagues or superiors). Factors such as gender, age, education, work experience and job position are included in the analysis as control variables. Main hypothesis in this paper states that positive interpersonal relationships have impact on employee satisfaction. The independent variable is divided into three segments, namely: communication and work climate, relationship with superiors and relationship with colleagues. Each segment of interpersonal relationships was separately tested in relation to the dependent variable. The base of this paper is an empirical research conducted in 2019. Based on the survey questionnaire, data from 143 employees in the surveyed company were collected. Data processing was performed on the basis of statistical software for social sciences-SPSS. Descriptive and correlation analysis were applied in the data analysis. All hypotheses tested were confirmed. Testing the hypotheses confirm that there is a statistically significant relationship between observed variables and that there is a moderate positive correlation, which implies that interpersonal relationship is a factor of job satisfaction. Main limitation of this research relates to the observation of relationship between variables in a single business entity. However, the coverage of all employees in the conducted research and the high response rate of employees (82%) provide a good basis for data analysis and giving some general conclusions. Detailed description of research methodology enables its repetition in other organizations.

Opus Admin, Dragana Došenović, Marija Todorović


Profesional paper


U radu je obrađen utjecaj suvremenih komunikacijskih tehnologija na online učenje studenata. Komunikacijske tehnologije su centar istraživanja, posebno njihov utjecaj u učenju na način koji se prethodno trudilo izbjeći. Predrasude koje su stajale uz spominjanje mogućnosti online učenja su maknute. Nakon provedenog lockdowna uslijed pandemije Covid-19 virusom, online učenje postaje spas za desetke tisuća studenata koji imaju mogućnost nastaviti sa obrazovanjem u trenutku kada se činilo da je cijeli svijet oko njih stao. Prilikom pisanja članka korišten je sistematski pristup radu tako što su proučene prednosti i nedostatci koje online učenje donosi u XXI stoljeću te da li omogućuje korak naprijed u sveukupnom obrazovanju od strane studenata i profesora. Obrazovanje predstavlja glavni temelj i ključ uspjeha pojedinca. Razvojem komunikacijskih tehnologija to je omogućeno i osobama koje žive dalje od velikih gradova. Preko softverskih platformi za komunikaciju i suradnju učenje je pojednostavljeno putem razgovora, video sastanaka te pohrane podataka na jedno mjesto.

Frane Marjanica, Opus Admin, Tomislav Seser, Maja Marjanica


Scientific paper


Recently, controlled drug release systems have been garnering a lot of attention, due to more targeted and effective approach for delivering drugs to a specific tissue. Because of a specific structure and natural abundance, clays are being added to those systems in order to increase its efficiency and minimize costs. In this study, controlled release kinetics of the drug active substance 5-Fluorouracil was studied, using halloysite clay/polymer drug carriers. For this purpose, the halloysite clay was initially modified with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). Drug carriers were prepared by adding modified halloysite clays in the mixtures of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium alginate. Firstly, the swelling behaviour of the prepared substances was studied in buffer solutions at different pH. The drug release kinetics from the drug carriers, loaded with 5- Fluorouracil, was observed under a UV-spectrophotometer at 266 nm. Release profiles of the active substance were obtained by studying its release in buffer solutions at different pH. The results showed that the prepared drug carriers with modified halloysite clay were suitable for carrying and releasing of the 5-Fluorouracil.

Opus Admin, Ayse Zehra Aroguz, Vesna Teoflović, Olga Govedarica, Jelena Pavličević, Milovan Janković, Jaroslava Budinski-Simendić́


Scientific review


Politički i ekonomski aspekti svake zemlje međusobno su isprepleteni i uslovljeni. Od njihovog balansa, kratkorčnih ciljeva i dugoročnih vizija, zavisi i raspodjela nacionalnog suvereniteta u svim njegovim aspektima. Priključivanje procesu evropske integracije za zemlju kao što je Velika Britanija bio je izazov koji se našao u direktnoj suprotnosti sa njenim jako izraženim osjećajem za nacionalni identitet. Ekonomski napredak zajedničkog tržišta na Starom kontinentu uticao je da početkom sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka nacionalni identitet bude djelimično žrtvovan u korist ekonomskog rasta i odluku da se Velika Britanija priključi Uniji. Međutim, osjećaj posebnosti i okrenutost, u političkom i kulturnom smislu, ka anglosaksonskoj tradiciji uzrokovali su stalno tinjajući evroskepticizam. Globalna recesija i potreba za jačanjem međusobne solidarnosti u evropskom prostoru intenziviraće preispitivanje ispravnosti odluke o članstvu u Uniji. Unutrašnji politički odnosi su sa svoje strane doprinijeli jačanju kampanje protiv članstva. Desio se referendum i Britanci su odlučili da, ipak, žele da idu svojim putem. Sa stanovišta ekonomske dobrobiti, ovo ne izgleda kao racionalna odluka. Evidentno je da je nakon više od četiri decenije ponovo nađen balans između političkih i ekonomskih ciljeva, ovaj put u korist nacionalnog identiteta, iako posmatrač sa strane u ovom momentu ne vidi političku opravdanost takve odluke. Izgleda da je ne vidi ni dio britanskog društva, pa je poces izlaska spor i nepredvidljiv, a javljaju se i naznake ponovnog preispitivanja odluke o napuštanju EU.

Opus Admin, Danijela Lakić

Abstracting, Indexing & Archiving
