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Volume 6, Issue 2, 2024

Online ISSN: 2637-2614

ISSN: 2637-2150

Volume 6 , Issue 2, (2024)

Published: 29.11.2024.

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The use of biomass for energetic purposes is actual issue from different aspect of views, such as economy, used technologies, combustion specifications, environmental issues, etc. Different types of biomass are available on the market today. During the combustion process in furnaces, these types of biomass behave differently due to their specific physicochemical properties. In this research, used biomass types were wood biomass, soybean straw and chamomile waste from medicinal herbs processing. Pellet combustion was performed in a commercial furnace that was designed to heat the living space by burning wood pellets. Furnace was installed with measurement system for emissions of combustion products. The current law regulation of the Republic of Srpska in the field of environmental protection does not include testing of emissions of combustion products for plants with power less than 100 kW. In this research, the influence of pellet type on concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides was investigated, as well as the volume content of oxygen in the waste gas for plants with power less than 100 kW. Also, it was investigated whether the addition of additives (clay, kaolinite, bentonite), used to improve the melting characteristics of ash, has an effect on reducing the emission of combustion products. The results obtained by measuring the gas emissions are compared with the standard EN 14785 which is related to the emission of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. During this research, characteristic of ash left after combustion of tested pellets was examined. According to these examinations, it can be pointed out that potential problems can occur when burning these types of pellets in small household heating furnaces.

Tatjana Botić, Petar Gvero, Dijana Drljača, Aleksandra Borković, Dajana Dragić, Slobodan Rakulj

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